All About Me . . .

The single best thing in my life is my friends. If one can honestly judge a person by their friends, then I must be a great person, because some of the people I know are truly amazing. The three friends that I have known the longest are Carmen, Peter and Theresa. They are the greatest people any person can ask for, and they are a constant line of support for me and I have been a better person since I met them. We all like to get together and shop, watch movies (I can not count all of the movies I have seen with these people), shoot pool, sing bad karaoke, go to parties, shop (It deserves a second mention), laugh, and just have fun. It is all good. I do not consider myself to be a major party girl. But I just have a tendency to be active and social, and that means parties. I also tend to dress funky and sexy because I just love to be me. Currently I am with-out a boy-friend and this is actually a good thing. After over 10 years of dating and that short term stunt a marriage I am finally trying to be on my own. It is weird, really, really weird. But I like it makes for a good change of pace. However, knowing me this will not last. I talk to way to many guys and like them way to much to stay single for long.



I am a long-time member of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), and I am also really into my Celtic heritage. My family has a very rich history, which my mother spends quite a bit of time researching. I try to go to as many Irish/Scottish festivals as I can, as well as any Medieval Fairs around.



The biggest yearly event in my life is Pennsic Wars. Every year since I was 14, I have gone to this huge medieval event in Slippery Rock, PA. It is an unbelievable time. Pennsic is this huge SCA event that has some of the best parties around. We could put some of the ancient Romans to shame with some of them. It is also a great place to relax in a hammock and read a book. There are many groups and households at war, making up over 10,000 attendees. I am the Leader of House Belligerent Dragon. We are a group of fun happy-go-lucky weirdoes that I call my friends and family. Check out our cool website made by yours truly (yes I know it still needs work), at So every August, I get together with my nearest and dearest, and party for a long happy week or two. Yay for the party gods! More info can also be found at



What else can I say about me? Well, for athletics, I love to swim. I have been swimming since I was 3, when my dad tossed me in the pool and said swim or drown. I always like to think that if I couldn't, he would have saved me. But I took to it like a fish, so I am here today. I also like bike riding; now that I am going to be back in Cleveland I hope to go to the Metro parks more and get back into it. I am a terrible tennis player, but I make up for it in determination. All of my friends are suddenly into getting into shape (I guess this is because we are all getting a bit older), so hopefully, we will all help each other to be at our best.



I also love to travel. Recently I spent 2 weeks in Norway staying with a friend and seeing all that Norway has to offer. Seeing the Viking ships up close was a huge moment in my life. I have seen quite a bit of the United States; mostly the Eastern half, but I really want to get out and see more of the world. However, I have seen more of the US than most people. I have been to NYC, Chicago, Austin, Memphis, Detroit, Hawaii's Island of Oahu, and many other places. Also being a military brat (my dad was a marine), I have lived so many places, such as Washington DC, Richmond VA, Norfolk VA, Cleveland OH, and recently Atlanta GA. I know I missing many places, but I am getting a little long-winded on this point.



My other hobbies are the basic ones. I of course love my computer, and always seem to want the latest tech toys. I am Never without my cell phone, and rarely without my digital camera, or PDA. My laptop always travels with me. I am seriously into music, with over 500 CDs, and still a growing collection. Actually, I seem to be into anything that comes on that little silver disk, as my DVD collection has grown to over 150 movies. I also read all the time. I am rarely without a book, usually two or three. I like sci-fi fantasy of course, but I love Classic literature and history novels. I am so fascinated about the history of the world, but I have to admit I do tend to stay into the Celtic and Norse culture. I just like to know where I come from, and what made my people what they were.



Well, my website is mostly a picture site. I have a tendency to share pics with my friends this way. I also wanted to give people a glimpse into the person I am. So if you have any comments, please feel free to send them to me at,